artisanal bytes

“Hand-crafted in San Francisco from locally sourced bits.”

About “Artisanal Bytes”

This is the professional blog of Jeff Kolesky, a software engineer who cares about each and every byte. Perhaps one day there will be a “slow code” movement. Maybe it needs a better name.

Jeff was recently described by a friend as idealistic but not narcissistic. He accepted that as a wonderful compliment, but given the subsequent launching of this blog, he is questioning the friend’s misjudgement of his self-importance. To correct for it, he describes this blog as “an explicitly narcissistic exercise in increasing my personal brand.” Cause, if he claims it is narcissistic, then it isn’t as much, right?

On “Artisanal Bytes,” Jeff writes about technology and companies, based on his years of experience working at technology companies. Occasionally a cycling metaphor will creep in, too.


In his business life, Jeff tries to adhere to a set of principles:

  • Speak your mind when your opinion, and not your voice, needs to be heard.
  • Leading by example works best if you explain the example you are setting.
  • There is a difference between building a business and building a company.
  • Just because it hasn’t been done before doesn’t mean it can’t be done.
  • The less mess you make, the less mess there is to clean up.

These principles surface as themes throughout his writing.


“Artisanal Bytes” relies on the following:

Jeff sends his thanks to the creators, contributors, and maintainers.